Wow! 3 incredible weeks!
Vraiment, incroyable! We have been pretty steady every day, and things just keep getting better!
I don't even know where to start really.. We FINALLY got our Awning! yay! and it is STUnning! JUST as we had imagined! Extremely happy! Food is rolling out, Jen and I are getting into a groove...
Annique came and spent a week with us last week! WHAT A GODSEND! On s'est bien amusés vraiment, une petite routine, en famille, comme si le tout était vrai :S
hmm.. je ne sais pas quoi d'autre dire ca fait tellement longtemps!
Bien, commençons avec les nouvelles caisses! yes sir, une caisse complètement dédiée aux fromages Canadiens que nous avons, qui se vendent, TELLEMENT bien, et au charcuterie que nous allons vendre! yay! Elle arrive la semaine prochaine! Aussi, nous allons avoir un congélateur! Pour celui la, je suis Vraiment pompé! Ca veux dire des grosses batches de nourriture puis moins de travail! yay!
Nous avons aussi eu nos comptoirs dans le fond du studio.. il manque juste les ilots... à venir....
Aussi, les gens commences a montrer un peu d'intérêts dans du sushi.. oui, Genevieve Everell va nous en faire! Sweet!!! Genre, commander mardi pour ramasser vendredi! yay! Logistics to be determined
So all and all, very productive first weeks.
Top Seller: (drum roll....)
Roasted Sweet Potato and Cilantro Dip! It's magnificient! can't keep it on the shelves! yay to Jen!
We also have a few new products on the way but are keeping things hush hush... create a little buzz maybe....
Alright, I have to go, sorry it's so short, but... my thoughts are a little all over right now... need... sleep... rest... maybe next march. :)
And no, no photos... Annique still has my camera, she's off to the Great White North, Yukon! :) I have a few on my Blackberry, but pour quality. Add me to your Twitter 'cibouletteetcie' and you'll see them as I take them! HOWEVER, I'm glad to say that I have met a lovely lady who is going to help us with interior shots, food shots and eventually some good photos of our staff ESPECIALLY on grand opening night! Stay tuned for news of that!!!! also, the release of our Newsletter and June Menu! Sign up if you want breaking news as it happens!!!