Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

How do you do Folks!?

Les choses sont bien allé pour notre deuxième journée! Sauf que le POS a fait défaut (POS crashed) vers 5h00.... MAIS, j'ai dit, parfait, lock up the doors, we're going home I need some sleep! :)

An excellent day, got tons done, jen, of course was fantastic, and Janice and Sue were great and productive!!

Now I'm in here, doing paper work, taking orders over the phone, greeting the odd client, super slow, but that's alright, I need some time to catch up on the 'managing' work :)

Je vais essayer d'y poster des photos cette semaine. JE vous le promets!
Going to try to post some pictures of the 'semi-finished' space this week.

We've been explaining to people about the concept of an organic space and how it will grow with time... the addition of a freezer section, another cold case JUST for cheese and Charcuteries, the 13 foot counter at the back with a recessed section that is Jennifers very-own bread making station :) and of course the islands dotting the studio for classes etc... VERY exciting it sounds like! Everyone has a keen interest! yay!

ok, I need to get back to work, but first....

j'voulais juste dire bonjour au deux jeune filles qui sont venu avec leurs papa vendredi! Elles étaient super excitées d'y être, et moi je l'étais de les voir! Continuez à suivre le blog attentivement! J'ai de vous revoir, on pourras se présenter officiellement! J'espere que vos souper étaient bon???

À la prochaine!!!


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